PET bottel herwinningsaanleg

PET-bottelherwinningsaanleg vir fynmaak en was

PET-bottelherwinningsaanleg is om gebruikte plastiekbottels, drinkbottels, ens. in skoon PET-bottelvlokkies te vergruis en te was, met 'n kapasiteit van 500-6000kg/h. En die skoonmaaktempo is 96%-98% vir oorspronklike bottels en 85%-90% vir bottelbale.

textile waste recycling machine

Textile waste recycling machine for fabric

Shuliy textile waste recycling machine is a combination of fiber waste shredder, opener and cleaner. It achieves efficient processing of used clothing, bedding, towels, etc. for profit. It has a capacity of 250-300kg/h.

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